So, the fat lady is on the stage. She hasn’t started singing yet therefore
there is still time to change the tide but I have to say that things are
looking super scary!
Yes there he is – Trump in all his glory firing up the
people of the United States of America with his fear mongering and
bigotry. I don’t usually watch any of
the convention things – I am Canadian after all – but this year I have watched some
and followed in the news and I have felt like a person watching a horror/comedy
never sure whether I should laugh out loud at the outrageous things he utters
or to shield my eyes with my hands.
It has however opened my eyes to so many issues and I worry
for my partner and friends in the US. Racism,
inequality, violence, fear and disillusionment are everywhere and people are
tired. Tired of lies and being held
hostage by the world they live in. They, just like us wish to have a nice
stable life without fear, guns and anger.
Is this what he will bring in should he be elected? I really don’t know but if history is
anything to go by, i.e. his campaign so far in the race to the Presidency, then
I would have to say no and I get this awful pit in my stomach.
Trump is getting away with all this because his supporters
are not calling him on his BS. I have
watched person after person being interviewed and even when faced with video
proof of the erroneous things he says they reject it out of hand not even
acknowledging it OR scarier still they justify it. To me it seems that they know that if they
should admit to any one of his lies or statements of bigotry then the veneer
that holds them together will crack and it will all fall apart. Do yourself a favour and watch a clip or two
of a Trump supporter being confronted. An
example would be a little old Grandma who looks like she smells like vanilla
cookies; red-faced and hoarse from all the screaming at the rally is asked if
she believes Trump is a Christian. “Of
course he is! He is the biggest (to coin
a Trump phrase) Christian there is!” My
goodness this thrice married man is the “biggest” Christian there is? Beats me…. These people all have one thing in common.
When confronted with facts about Trump’s deceptions and contradictions they all
look like CP3O having a short-circuit as they search for something to say that
will make him sound sane.
If Trump should be elected to the highest office in this
world these followers are going to expect him to keep his promises i.e. build
that wall! In the words of Michelle
Obama… oops I mean Melania Trump “His word is his bond.”
Then of course there is this whole thing with Hillary. Some people don’t like her or trust her. There
are those e-mails and the cover up…. Benghazi… What can we believe? That she
will say anything to get elected? She
represents so much of the old school politician that the Millennial’s
despise. They are Bernie fans!
Hillary does not inspire as Bernie does. She tries her best but she just isn’t as eloquent
as Obama but she is capable and has the record to back up her claims that she
can do the job. I have been watching Hillary valiantly trying to bring Bernie’s
bright-eyed, tie-dyed idealists into the fold. I hope they go with her because
what they don’t realize is that the US is not ready for the type of politician
that Bernie Sanders is. In forty years that
ruler will rise from the very ranks of the young people who stood with him now,
mark my words. I hope I am still around
to see that day.
Could we witness the rise of a fascist state? I don’t know I would hope not but... I watched Trump being asked some hard
questions about abortion. Regardless of
your own moral personal views on the matter we have to think very carefully
about banning it. History taught us that
doesn’t work and it puts many women at risk… backyard abortions will still
happen. What really concerned me though
is that when the reporter eventually got him to respond to the question of the
law should abortions be banned Trump finally conceded that he would recommend
that the women be punished (jail time perhaps).
“What about the men?” the reporter asked. “Well… no.” was the reply. This may seems small to some but I hear the
suppression and vilifying of the Feminine.
What a shame that would be to take such a step back the very instant
that the first woman in history is nominated to run for the Presidency of the
United States.
On the bright side, often our worst fears are not
realized. It is quite possible that
Trump, if elected will be hamstrung by Congress just as President Obama has
been, and if Hillary gets elected nothing will change we will have four more
years of quiet growth.
If the Democrats can’t get their act together we will be in for
more than just a bumpy ride. I feel
sorry for the people of the US of A.
Depending which side of the political rhetoric you listen to their
choice is between a villain and a demagogue.
Meanwhile fear is running rife as Trump fires up his jean clad, baseball
cap wearing troops to take over the world….