Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Do you believe in the Power of Music?

For some music is their lives and a day without music would be like a torturous death while others can take it or leave it; but no-one I know has ever said that they hate music.  Everyone, even people that listen on occasion has a special song, one that reminds them of a person or emotion, a joy or even sadness.    Let’s face it anyone that has ever been married in the history of the world has that special song, the one they danced into their new lives with, the one that held meaning for them as a couple.

There is a tremendous power in music.  Do you believe that it can move you to do things?  That it stirs the emotions?  Of course it does.  There is a reason countries have a National Anthem – it stirs the Patriotic Spirit and creates a kinship and a source of pride.  Ask any athlete who has ever stood on a playing field while his or her National Anthem was played and they will tell you how overwhelming it is.  It can hold a source of pride for a school, club, university or college any organization that is attempting to draw people together towards a common goal.

For our ancestors music was used as a medium to tell tales of heroism and tragedy.  Bards traveled from town to town throughout the world retelling stories of cultures and great kings, of Gods and Goddesses, death and wars, life and love.  Through music and dance they retold the hunt and so much more.

Music has even been used to move people to action.  In ancient times and through history warriors were moved to courage through drums, pipes and the voices of their women.  I believe that even today soldiers will play music in the tanks in order to be swept up in the passion required for the action of actually taking someone else’s life.

People make love to music, they grieve and they heal through music.  They pray and worship with music and it can inspire a glimmer of hope in the deepest darkest corners of despair.  There isn’t a single human emotion that isn’t touched by music in some shape or form.  It can even scare us to death while watching a scary movie.  It is such a powerful tool!

Personally I have always fallen into the “Love” music category.  I listen to music every day, even if it is just a meditation CD at bedtime.  Music has forged many of my friendships.  I spent many hours as a young woman rehearsing and performing.  Unfortunately it did not become my life as I took a different road but I am still in love with music.  For a while it was like a lost lover lurking in the background, soft tones supporting conversations or extremely loud at parties with wild dancing.  I have never become a music snob – I will listen to just about anything and I can find at least one song in every genre that will float my boat.

At this time in my life I have found a new bond with music.  Old friendships have been rekindled and new ones are being formed.  I am singing again, something that I haven’t done in years, having fun and loving it!  That lover that was skulking around in the outfield of my life is pushing its way back in, coming forward into the light to shine again.  Through it new breath is being blown into my life and relationships and new avenues of expression are opening up.  I use my voice and drum to praise the Creator and old Pagan songs to honour the Mother and Moon Goddess.  I am embracing old memories and finding places that need healing that have been hiding in the dark recesses of my mind and heart.  Every day it grows stronger. 

The troubadours of our time are no different to the ones that walked from town to town years ago.  They still sing tales of love and love lost… tragedy and joy… life and death.  There is a saying that it is easy to write – just sit down in front of a typewriter and open a vein.  I understand this as an author.  I believe that musicians dig deeper still and become vulnerable opening their very hearts allowing people to look inside…. 

Long live music and all the valiant souls who write and play it!  Thanks guys and gals we owe you a huge debt of gratitude!

Love and light.